Wood Pigeon Black and White Pudding With Textures Of Artichoke
Textures on Rabbit
Vegetarian Tart Tatin
Sea Trout Buttered Jersey Royals & Wild Nettle Pesto
Twice Baked Yorkshire Blue Souffle
Chai Tea Parfait
Yorkshire Mess
Crab Risotto, Avocado Frozen Espuma
Vegetarian Mezze
Duck egg & Soldiers
My original technique for photographing food was a low iso 200 for my camera, lots of close ups of the food different angles and use a low f number e.g. around 5.6. When i got to Flannels to take the photographs but for some photographs i had to change my settings because either not everything was in focus, the image was too dark or my shutter speed was very low if i had a tripod would have been better which was my mistake. But my setting were 200 ISO, 60th and below shutter speed f number 5.6 - 10 and the white balance was on auto.
When i was in the kitchen I had to boost up all my settings my iso went to 400, my shutter speed was 125th and above and my white balance was on fluorescent warm white and my f number was changed from f5.6 to f10.
The main part of my photographs I wanted to be natural lighting because when i went into the kitchen the fluorescent light bulbs discolored the plates and gave a redy/pinky look to them but in Photoshop I managed to use the levels tool to change the colour on the photographs back to white like this:
This technique was very useful for my photographs because the white balance was off and I have used it on all my photographs its a bit frustrating and tricky trying to find the perfect level without overexposing the food too much.